Get Out
Ila and Love
♥Aizz havock♥
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x-Bunny. Blog..

something are meant to be a secret.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Can't stop smiling.
Looked at his photo and I smiled straight away. :)
The way he smiled, so cute.
He made my day.
I hope he's okaay.
Miss him TTM.
Hope to see him in next week.
U smile, I smile =)
*I realised this post got alot of the word smile*
1:51 PM
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Why must bump into each other? _|_
I knew this would happen.
hmm. I wonder what he was thinking when he saw me.
I knew all I remember was hatred towards him.
I didn't even want to smile at him.
Hahah, ahnie so sombong. Yg laen pon taknak salam.
Pasal aderh dia tu. :D
9:55 PM
Friday, January 7, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Okaay, I feel so guilty right now.
Never in my life, I've rejected anyone.
Putra still have feelings for me and he told me everything.
He wanted me back but I didn't want to.
I think it's better to be friends.
You see, if you're in a relationship and you fight, you break and never talk to each other any more.
But if you're friends, you seldom fight and always have a long friendship.
Putra, if I were to accept you, I can't.
Because I basically am not ready to have a relationship.
Now, you're upset. You reply my message. Haiyaa.
I'm sorry. ):
Wanna hug me to feel better?
7:01 PM