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♥Aizz havock♥
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x-Bunny. Blog..

something are meant to be a secret.
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Rangers are on again! wee~
Mask on. *putmaskonandsoundeffect*
That pig has started her game again. Hey, you!
You pig! Stop ruining peoples' life please. You ruined her's and now you want to ruin her plakk.
What the hell has got into you?
Ehk Pig, lemme tell you something.
What's he point of getting a lot of guys when you can't even impress you future mother-in-law with your
home-based skills?
You think your future mother-in-law will be impressed that you have a lot of guys is it?
11:50 PM
Kadang2 tak faham lah kan.
Selama ni I kata "I love you", "I miss you", "I need you", You pikir ni sume kata kosong perh?
Haishh, I tak paham asl you nak kene control I.
I tawu luh I takleyh alek lambat2, kalau tk I masok.
But you can't control for who I surround myself with.
Hmm.. Pasal satu joke jek, you dh tegang. Sot siak.
You bbual gytu, mesti org pikir yg you ni terlalu overprotective.
Org nk gurau2 jek pun takleh. Selama niek you comment2 pt pompuan laen, I tak pernah nk masuk campur.
Lama2 aku ni takderh kawan jugak..
Orang mesti katerh, Kalau aku kacau dia niek, confirm kene sound nan mataey dia.
Might as well ignore her.
I don't want people to think like that lah.
Please lah ehk, uat perh you nk takot bila I katerh gytu pt sarhan?
You tak percaye I ke?
You katerh you trust I tapi ada ajerh benda yg org tkleh uat.
Ex yg dh lame nk add pun, you py delete.
Dh nk dkat 4 tahun tak de paperh contact pun nan dia, beh you takot sampai kene delete.
Issh.. sot siak aku.
Aku tawu kau sot jugak, aku lagy sot.
12:47 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Ahnie, why are you so dumdum?
You woke up at 6 a.m and went to shower.
Then you text your girls, asking what they bring to school today.
You then got a weird feeling and checked your schedule.
"21-10-2010, promotion and retention day. Children need not attend school"
WTH -.-"
You bath and enthusiastic to go school then suddenly no school.
What a waste of going to the showers. Oh my~
Hey`hey, tomorrow is a special day.
Gonna spend quality time with my boyf.
Watch Lagenda Budak Setan yesterday night.
I thought I was gonna sleep because I was cozy with the pillows and all.
Nope, I didn't even fall asleep.
I concentrated all the way.
Oh, I hope the movie won't happen to me or him.
He even said that he too does't want our love story to be like that.
I wanna watch that movie again. This time, with my girlfriends or maybe him :))
Heheh, suke ehk Ahnie :P
7:50 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
FML lah.
Contact lense tak dtg2. Haiyoo.
Threatened the sales girl. Muahaha, you better reply me bitch.
Well, my legs are hurting due to the sports extravaganza yesterday.
Yeah, 3.2 kilometres of running. -.-"
Then, directly when I was about to finish the race, it rained. Like, heavily.
Then at the big tent, met Elmo and Pendekk.
We talk2 then the water came flowing in and made our shoes wet and muddy.
We go ask Mr Amran wether we can go home because we got an umbrella.
He said to wait because lightning is still present.
Okay. Then we wait.
Then they announced that we can be dismissed, only if you have an umbrella.
Oh, wth~
We just go. We walked and then me and Pendekk open our shoes and walk barefooted. Haha, best`best.
Then waited for Kecyqq to come. While waiting, Wan, Azrim and Aan came.
Kecyqq also came.
We want take shortcut which is to walk on the jetty bridge.
Then, Mr Lim caught us and ask us to put on our shoes and take the long cut.
FML bitch.
We walked and acted like we wanted to take our shoes but we didn't.
We walked barefooted until MakanShiok. Hehe.
Me and Pendekk went "BLOCK SHOPPING" ^^
Haha, I got pink she got white.
Then Go Macdonalds but don't know what to eat. The go MakanShiok and eat.
Gather up the money we got and ate Nasi Ayam Penyet.
Long time never eat that.
At the same time, drink teh.
Wah~ like orang tua.-.-
Then we walked and then we planned where to go.
The three boys went home I think.
Me and Pendekk will go Pendeq's house while Kecyqq wants to meet Farina and Elmo wants to go home.
Then, walked to pendeq's house and Pendekk helped me open the rest of my extension.
Then it's time for we to go home. Dh kene sound dengan mataey -_-
I got home and shower.
Webcam-ed with mataey for a while.
And I don't know what happened after that.
I didn't wash my dirty muddy shoes. So that's the reason why I didn't attend school today.
Ring, Ring the school and I said that I have leg muscle cramp due to yesterday's running.
Waiting for the salesgirl to reply me. -.-*
12:20 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Having exam stress~
Oh my God.
Two more papers to go.
History and Home Economics.
Someone make the exams pass by faster.
6:39 PM
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's been a while since I haven't update this blog. Well, the reason is that I'm lazy an the exams are here now. Damn stress -.-" Yeah, me and boyfriend just turned one year old together. Yes, we have been together for a year now and I'm so proud of him and myself throughout this time together.
And, all this while, I'm thinking if education can't make me successful in life for my future, can talents do the job? I mean like I was wondering if I could accomplish my dreams. When I was young, I dream to be a teacher or a nurse but now, I think I know what I want to be. SINGING! Hahah! Yup, I like singing. Got a problem with that bitch? Any one knows how to get the media attention?
And, all this while, I'm thinking if education can't make me successful in life for my future, can talents do the job? I mean like I was wondering if I could accomplish my dreams. When I was young, I dream to be a teacher or a nurse but now, I think I know what I want to be. SINGING! Hahah! Yup, I like singing. Got a problem with that bitch? Any one knows how to get the media attention?
12:13 AM