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x-Bunny. Blog..

something are meant to be a secret.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Okay, seriously. Ahnie nyehh blog dh mampos.
Sanchia Michiko ladies, the contact lenses are coming some what around late August or early September. Bersabar yehh.
Umm, kaey. Skrg bulan puasa. Lagyk dua minggu dh Raya.
Wee~ Nanti jalan raye.
nanti dapat $$*chachingchaching*$$ haha.
Weii, I miss my hubby luhh.
Hari2 keje. rajin ehk? tapi braperh jam ajerh, haha.
Ngok luhh Ahnie, hari hari uat keje umah taw. I spent abiut 5 hours in the kitchen per day. Cool or what? haha!
Umm. Ahnie nk keje jugak. Nk duit so I can buy anything I wantl Dari leypak`leypak ni sume, kan waste of the time. I dun want to depend on daddy sangat.Haiyoo.
Ehk, Nia nan NyraDora ada blogshop. Be sure to buy from them. :)
11:10 PM