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x-Bunny. Blog..

something are meant to be a secret.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
40++ times ?!?!
First day of the Holidays .
Hmmm.. boring , tired and sleepy .
What to do ehk ? Dngar`dngar , Liyana dh ada kekasih .
Wee~ Congrats you two !
You cintakan mataey you , You sygkan "Part-time mataey" .
Haha .
About 6.30 a.m ++ , hubby texted me telling me to wake him up at 10.30 a.m .
I didn't reply because I was so sleepy . I couldn't sleep before that but I tried once more to think about him when I sleep . I did manage to sleep peacefully .(:
I woke up at eight and I have to send my cousin to school .
Like wtf ~?
Hmm.. bus-ed to JPS and walked home . Reached home and did housework . Then the clock was showing "10.46 a.m" . I was like OMGEE~ and I called hubby .
Called about 40++ times and he didn't wake up still . So fed up , I gave up and texted him that he better get up . Until the evening came , he told me I called 40++ times and I asked him if he just woke up . He said no . He said he was busy playing "POKEMON" . Wow .
How childish , but every one has their childishness inside .
Then ate dinner , play game and play comp .
Lastly , bought bubble-tea . Haha .
Very refreshing . Lol luhh Ahnie .
Hehe . Anybody hating anyone , do like my status on facebook .
Don't bother asking who I hate . It's so obvious . Yeah you , no`no . Not you , It's you !
11:04 PM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Skola tak blajar siarh . Shiok ! Hahah . Craft and Technology day . Pagy2 , assemble and got ready for the competition . Siap2 cafe kiterh . Jepon taww . Dh letak tablecloth tu sumerh , then aku bongkar , dpt candle . Yay ! Amek lighter then simpan . After that , the principle or so called the "judge" came in . Then our food came . 2T1 nyerh klass kenerh dulu then 2N2 , then 2N1 . They tasted curry udon and the dorayaki .Sedap siot . Then judge raserh . Mukerh maintain jek . Tapi seblum tuhh , aku lari sini , lari sanerh , nak caryk afiq pasal lighter . aku trun , kau naek siarh . Kesian aku nan aqif . Tercungap-cungap . Then aku nan aissah clear meja pasal dh abes . Then aku , aicha , ila , mai ,yana nan aissah pyy home econs room then plan nk masak dorayaki lagyk . Dh pat sanerh , ila nan yana pyy atas alek nk tawu saperh menang . kiterh consolation prize . then prize dierh...keropok sial . Kiterh ltak alot of effort then bgy keropok ? mcm sial .. Aku tak amek prize tuhh and then started cooking . First , letak ingredients utk dorayaki then ila do the rest . Aku nan aicha uat jemput2 . Heheh . Then goreng . dh goreng , mkn nan hot fudge . ahaha . Bilerh ngah masak , minum green tea , choco milk uat sendiri and drg minum oren juice . Sumerh pakai benda skola . Haha .. Then cikgu pun uat bdh . Baek uhq . Dh itu , kemas sumerh benderh then pyy canteen lepak , amek gmbr then kwn aku dtg tanyehh kalau kiterh leyyhh tlg drg uat benda . Then kiterh uat .. Oh ya , seblom tuhh , aku pyy busted si Azirah . Ckp nan mat geekspec tuhh yg azirah nk number dierh . Hahah . Dasar lohh si sialan . Kau sukerh ehk flirt2 ? Asl taknk number mat geekspec tuhh ? Malu ? jgn step malu ehk , jgn step mataey mrh ehk . Ntah ada mataey ke tdk . After that , kiterh pyy tlg uat benda tuhh then kiterh dngar lagu at the same time . Pakai skola nyerhh speaker . Lol . Then dh settle sumerh , Ila nan aku karaoke jap . Hehe . Pakai microphone siarh . Then kiterh alek . Then parent meeting . Alhamdulillah , takderh paperh negative . Woot~
To hubby, gd luck with your exams this coming June . Love you .
To hubby, gd luck with your exams this coming June . Love you .
11:27 PM
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Ehk , hari niek ahnie quaiquai uhq . Lepas skul trus alek . Haha . For this whole week ahnie kenerh uat gytu . Harus menepati janji ahnie kepaderh daddy nan hubby . Next mth , tak leyh kuar on the weekends . hmm.. Cumerh weekdays tapyy itu pun kalau daddy bgy . There will be plans on the first week of holidays . Rahsierh..lum tawu cnfrm tak cnfrm . Ehk , cmnehh nk uat webshow sendiri uhq ? Ahnie ngok youtubers uat video very proffesional . They pakai aperh app seyhh ? Kalau tawu , ilang uhq . Bleyhh ahnie uat nan ... sesaperh luhh . Hehe . Currently done researching the objectives of front desk . Left to print it out now .. Hmm.. mcm mls . Kaey .. Tataa~
9:43 PM
220110 ;
Best day of the year . Used the teacher to make an excuse for me to go out dating on Saturday. How bad am I . NottyNotty . Haha .
Hmm.. Yeah .. -.-
It's 12++ , I get ready and meet suzila at her house . Then I broke through her house and and went to her room . I said , "Assalamualaikum." And she anwered me .
I used her lappy while she iron the clothes and went to have a shower . I got into the clothes that I borrowed from Suzila . Then took some pic of myself . How lame . haha . Should I upload it on fb ?
Then , Waited for Ila to finish her shower and we got ready . Money , Handphones , Looks and ourselves . Then hubby asked when are we coming out and we said 2 . And did we get out of the house at 2 ? I don't recall . When we went out , Ila and Me saw Pinnochio and his Dad . Damn , why must he be the one who we bump into ? Then we walked to Nas nenek's house and wiated for his kakak to be ready . After that , we went out and headed for Bukit Batok . And went to Kakak nas nyerh mataey nyerh umah then he booked tickets and we ate then we headed for West Mall and they decided where to go first . Then it's the cinema . Collected the tix and headed to play pool . They played for a few rounds and the last two round is so called couples vs. couples . First round , Nas and ila vs. kakak nas nan mataey . I forgot who won . Then last roung , Hubby and me vs. Kakak nas nan Mataey . Hubby scored to call it victory . Hahah . Then we go back to West mall and go to the cinema and we bought out popcorns and drinks . We're watching "the losers" . At the cinema , Yeah , we entered late y'knw . I was watching and watching and laughing at the funny parts . Felt so cold and hugged my hubby , lay my head on Hubby's shoulders . Aww.. and I fell asleep . For about half an hour . After the movie , went out the cinemas last . Took the stairs down and were supposed to exit at a door . But instead we just keep going down and down . Being lazy to go up back , We just go to the last exit . Exited and headed for the restroom . Then out of West mall , decide whether to go home or keep on going . Then I was so sleepy so we headed home . Ila was supposed to go home before 10p.m . Lol , Its 9.15p.m sayang . We said goodbye to Kakak nas and her mataey . Me and Ila went to the toilet . she accompanied me to change back to my clothes . Then my necklace turned into a bangle . haha . it's irritating to some but it's fun . Me , Hubby , Nas ans Ila took different trains . They went east and I went west . Am I right ? -.- .
Their's came first so we said good bye . Hubby and I took our's and we alighted and took the other train to lakeside . Once we reach lakeside , went up the overhead bridge and waited for the bus . Talked with Hubby and finally the bus came . In the middle of the bus ride , I didn't realised Wani was in the bus . Said "hey" and she said "hi" . Then I told Hubby who she was as he asked who that is . We alighted at the Hua Yi Bus stop and we walked Into the quite and dark void deck . Very silent really . Only crickets sounds . Then I point out which block is mine and we stopped a few mters away from my block . We said our final goodbyes and we kissed . We let go of our hands and when we were apart , I wanted to turn back and shout his name and hug him . But I knew when I hug him , I would cry and never wanting to let him go . So I headed home and texted him that I was safely at home . And good news , daddy didnt scold me for coming home late . Yay !
I did what I had to do and went to sleep , Wishes my hubby and closed my eyes .
That's what I did on that very day . Triple date was a bomzxc!
Their's came first so we said good bye . Hubby and I took our's and we alighted and took the other train to lakeside . Once we reach lakeside , went up the overhead bridge and waited for the bus . Talked with Hubby and finally the bus came . In the middle of the bus ride , I didn't realised Wani was in the bus . Said "hey" and she said "hi" . Then I told Hubby who she was as he asked who that is . We alighted at the Hua Yi Bus stop and we walked Into the quite and dark void deck . Very silent really . Only crickets sounds . Then I point out which block is mine and we stopped a few mters away from my block . We said our final goodbyes and we kissed . We let go of our hands and when we were apart , I wanted to turn back and shout his name and hug him . But I knew when I hug him , I would cry and never wanting to let him go . So I headed home and texted him that I was safely at home . And good news , daddy didnt scold me for coming home late . Yay !
I did what I had to do and went to sleep , Wishes my hubby and closed my eyes .
That's what I did on that very day . Triple date was a bomzxc!
Labels: triple date darlingg
12:22 AM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Nur Umaira, The girl who every girl should look up to.
She stood up tall and strong even though she was heartbroken.
She manage to stay positive and fake a smile in front of him .
"Ada rahsia disebalik senyumanku."
Meaning, there a secret in every smile.
Its a pity that a useless guy had came into her life,
finally broke her heart.
If only we all see that earlier, her life would be better.
Haisshh, Mai , mai ..
Try to get over him and start a new life.
There are thousands of fishes left in the seas.
Don't worry, be happy.
Because we are all here for you.
We'll be there to support you and give you strength.
Love you ..
P.S ;
`EyraaUtsukutshii : I tawu mesti you terkejot bilerh you nampak gambar you pt blog I .
Hehe . Post dedicated to you sayang ! ^^
`KecyqqYutyutt : I'll mark every word you say kaey ? Kalau you salah arah , I try betolkan .
There are few pairs of eyes watching your actions . You tak cintakan sesaperh selain 'Z'.
`IlaPendekkAdora : You , last longlong nan 'N' . Make sure think before what you say.
Be more cautious in your actions. Some small misunderstanding will cause misery and regret. Loves!
Labels: SanchiaMichiko
1:38 AM
Guess what I just did today ? kaey..nvm . In school , go through maths , english , malay exam papers . Yeah , During maths , concentrate like hell . Cekgu even praise me for asking questions when in doubt . Wee~ Then after school , walk at corridor and asked Ms Wong if she called my dad already . She said yes ! Yay ! Bleyh kuar beysok ! After that , pyy 401 . Macam biase jugak kan . Salam Wan , Azrim nan Liyana . Then Nas datang . Behh , Wan and Azrim change clothes like in front of us tapyy hide behind a wall . Pyy luhh tangga , korang niek .. Tapi Alhamdulillah , drg tigerh nak pyy solat . Ehk by , You pyy solat tak ?! Huh ?! Dorang dh pyy masjid , liyana alek then tukar bju pcl nk pyy ngok wayang nan farina . Umaira nan suzila alek umah ila . Ila nk tukar bju . Aku alek then tukar baju , ilang dad yg aku nk kuar uat project . Dh pt umah , dh uat kejerh umah , basuh mukerh then tukar baju . Ila plakk tepon , tanyerh nk uat pt library ke umah dierh . Then aku katerh sembarang . Then uat pt umah dierh in the end , Hahah . Kluar umah then jalan kaki pyy umah Ila . Otw , Nk dkat JYC , pt bwh blok ada satu minah nan dua mat . Then walk past , one of the mat tanyehh the minah "Dia kan yg...?" . Then aku dh mcm huh ? Asl nan aku ? Dorang kenal aku ke ? Then takperh , trus jalan cepat2 . Then dpt mcg dari Ila apy yg send is Umaira . Hehe . Dierh katerh bukak pintu , maen masuk jek . Aku dh mcm , isshh . Umah org seyhh . Then aku uat mukerh tembok , masok umah Ila , ngok pt maid dierh then senyum . Dierh pun uat bodoh . haha . Aku trus pyy bilik Ila , Umaira plakk ajerh pt dlm bilik . Ila pyy mandi . Then aku duduk , bobual nan Mai . Amek guitar , maen jap . Bamm ! Ila dh abes . And should I reveal something ? Hmm .. Takperh . reveal kan jerh . For tmrw's outing , Aku pinjam baju Ila . Heh . Thks ehk syg . Lawa baju you . ^^ .Tried out three outfit and chose one thats suitable . Thks Mai and Ila , for giving comments . Hmm .. Then uat aperh lagyk ehk ? Nk uat project then tak menjadyk . Ohh ya . Bilerh ngah trytry outfit , Mai ngah trytry pakai nail polish nyerh Ila . Mai , Mai . Pakai sampai kenerh kulit . Ooppss , bocorh rahsierh . Hehe .Then aku plakk join pakai . Heh . Skrg my nail sumerh aderh mix black and blue . Lawa seyyhh . Haha . Then kiterh dh betolbetol nyerh mendarqk , Ilas nan aku nk uat experiment masakmasak ! Haha . Goreng telur letak chilli , udang kering then tak letak garam ! Aaahhh ! Tawar seyyh ! Hahah . Then makan nan nasi , kicap nan chilli sos . Jadyk kejerh sakk kiterh dua . Dh itu , kiterh pyy bn lay . Ila nan Wan tman Nas pyy umah dierh pt NTI pcl nk amek surat . Tinggal aku nan umaira jekk . WTH ~ Takderh org pt bn ly siarh . Shit ~ Then jalan nonong pyy manerh ntarh , then pyy Bnly shoppping . Terserempak nan Bob , Indra nan Wawan . Hmm .. Then kiterh rounding mcm budak bodoh . Patah balek , beli air batu then duduk pt leterbox . Then Indra . Then kiterh bobual . At last , Ila , Nas nan Wa dh dtg . Ada jugak org . Oh ya , Before that , Zaini dtg . Mai nan aku beli air batu lagyk then after aku dh abes air batu , Aku alek . Salam dorang , jalan alek . Fuhh~ Excercise beb . Hahah . Dh pat umah , trus makan nan Dad nan Bro . Tapyy , cket jekk . Diet okaey . Heheh . Then duduk , rilek2 . Trs all the way tertido atas sofa . Mataey mcg nan kol pun tak dijawab siarh . Sorry by ! Tdo luhh . Heh . Then Dad masok tdo , Aku trus bukak comp . Then here I am typing sambil dengar lagu . Ehk Ila , Beysok nak pyy umah kau kul braperhh seyyhh ? You tak eply I nyerh mcg seyyhh . Haisshh Hannis .. Tu luhh aperh yg kau dpt pasal tak eply mcg org . Tdo lagyk luhh , tdo . Hmm ~ ♥ YourLoveIsMyDrug . ♥
Labels: love you syg
12:06 AM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Hari niek , ahnie dapat MYE results . Tak terok tapi borderline. Tdi pt skul , tanyehh Harry kalau dierh trun . Tapi tak . Nak rest pat umah , tapi tengok luhh , Trun jugak taw . Just to see me nyehh pasal ehk ? Hahah . I got his reply when Razak nyehh class , Sempat kluarkan hp then tengok .
Haha . SHHTT ! Dh nampak mcg , terus tersenyum . Alalala .. dpt jumperh Harry ! After skul , pyy toilet. Ehk , Ila ikatkan rambut ahnie macam minah seyhh . Isshhh .. Hahah . Then pyy 401 and salam Aan , Wan , Azrim , Khabir nan Nas . Ahnie nan Ila pyy beli susu . Ila beli biskot jugak . Then Kiterh pyy duduk . Ila tersenyum2 bilerh tengok Nas . EhkEhk Ila . Hahah . Then Ahnie nyehh hati dh berdegup-degup nak jumperh harry . Then bobual nan Ila , tanyehh bilerh Harry nk sampai . Then pusing , ssaaappp . Harry dh sampai . Yay ! Hubby dh sampai . Then duduk2 nk dekat satu jam gytu ehk ? Then kiterh gerak . Liyana pyy alek , tukar bju and tngu Mai . Ila , Ahnie ,Nas nan Harry nan Wan pyy umah Ila . Dh sampai umah Ila , ahnie trus pyy toilet then Dh kuar , harry pt luar ngah tnguu nk pakai toilet jgk . haiyoo . Then followed by Nas . Tadi Tak katerh nk pyy toilet seyhh korang . Hahah . Then tnggu Ila mandi , Pnyerh luhh lambat . Isshh .. Ahnie pun gurau2 nan Harry . Amek Kesempatan nk Kiss Harry . Ahnie hug him from behind and the he turned his head and reached for my lips . Alalalala .. Sweet nyerh . Then Kiterh blah dari umah Ila bilaerh Ila dh abes mandi . Then Ahnie ilang Harry yg ahnie tak lehh trun bnlay . Then harry antar ahnie sampai bus stop then Ahnie jalan alek . Bilerh nk seperate tuhh kan , Harry kiss Ahnie lagyk . Aww .. Then Kat umah tak uat paperh cumerh uat kejerh umah nan masak . Then ayah alek , ahnie makan then maen game nan bpk . Hahah . Then ikot makcik pyy kedai beli benda then alek . Tengok tv all the way and then on comp . Tukar niek blogskin then transfer gambar2 pt Ila then ila send lagu pt Ahnie . Beysok mesti mao hantar . Then , hubby mcg katerh dierh otw alek . Hoping luhh Hubby on9 malam niek . Before I go to sleep . Btw , love blog updated . Lovee~
10:56 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Ehk ,
Apit , bob , faris , farhan , wan , azrim ,
Akuhh nk maen block catching lagyk uhqq !
Hahah .
Hmm.. Dapat mean sekali jek .
tapyy lepas tuhh maen true or dare .
Yayy !
Ehk , Farhan , sanggup kau tinggalkn chilli sauce tuhh pt badan kau sakk .
Aku kene dare uat mukerh klakar .
Kiwakk , paiseyyh sakk .
Finaa , kau kene dare , jilat stokin perh ?
Kau uat jgk sakk .
Kalau aku , aku tak siot .
Aku lebih rela bau kasut dornag seyyh .
haha .
Liyana , naseb kau aku alek cepat .
Kalau tak , stokin aku kau nkene pakai all the way taww .
Aicha ! Kau tak kene paperh sial .
Bilerh kau dh alek aru kau nyerh namerh appear .
Hmmpph !
How I wish that day will come again .
And how I wish my hubby could be there as well .
Today , really , I did nth .
Maen xbox , maen comp .
Biaserh jugak .
Dh jadykk computer nerd .
Best kan ?
The geek is in the house beybeyh !
Siak jek .
Dngar2 , dan dh start trun bn lay .
Tigerh hari straight .
Really miss the good times we had .
Gd times, gd times .
He was my aunt's favourite y'know .
Haha .
Tak sabar nk holiday .
But very the bad , skrg ngah pokai .
Kalau kejerh , aku raserh dad tak bagy .
Hubby pun tak bgy .
Tapyy aku nk duit !!
nk beli baju , kasut , and benda laen uhq .
Anyways , you guys ngok SMJ best ?
mcm ricu tengok dorang joget .
Heheh .
Beysokk DNT exam .
Mesti senang beb .
Gd luck to you guys who are taking it tomorrow !
Love you !
Labels: exam are a bamm ..
10:49 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Lil' earthlingz !
I come in peace yaww .
Jyeahh , I've updated my blog and oso changed my blogskin .
I oso did it for my private blog . shht .
haha .
Nth to say though .
cumerh hari ni tak dpt leypak .
andand oso , physics and bio suck to th core !
tmr , geography .
GoodGood !
10:57 PM
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
kaey random ~
I pyy amek benda I yg I luperh nk amek haryy tuhh .
Then pyy jurong point .
Pikir2 , nk makan aperh .
Mac> bleyhh belyy makan tapyy ramai .
KFC> tak ramai tapyy tengok luhh price dierh
7eleven> takderh choice.
At last ! pyy umah finaapinkyy .
Makan kat sanerh then pyy library and study .
Dat's where I saw Nia and Syaza .
Kaey , then maen laptop finaapinkyy .
Then , faris dtg !(wanfris bee)
After that kan , I pyy ikot umaira nan liyana beli mkn .
Then kiterh naek 187 .
Duduk seblah blakang skalii .
Then the seats in fronts me is one mat .
and pt mai nan liyana is one mat and minah .
I was admiring the outdoor view when suddenly the guy in front
of me said to the other mat ,"ehk , tchers' day kau alek skola?"
Then the other mat said"entah , nk ngok si Razak tuhh ?"
The the mat replied , "ngok mr lau uhq"
Then me, liyana and umaira dah mcm huh ??
Drg pun dari Hua Yi ?
Tak sangkerh .
Then terpikir , kalau mataey I nyehh batch knal drg tak .
Kaey , diam .
End of story .
Btw , wanfris bee , Kau sukerh saperh uhq ?
6:12 PM
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I had just spent my day , lonely .
It's only for a day and I'm missing him badly .
I never get to meet him all the time .
Its like once a mth .
Boy , I miss you .
I'm updating our blog .
Do read it .
Love you.
Labels: I love you.
9:11 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Liyana>Jyeahh ! memang skirt melorot pun!
Size dh terlebih plakk .
orang tuhh uhq , tak measure btol2.
haha . I peyhh post sweet kan ?
Haha .[random]
x IlaPendekk>I nan mataey you dh official scandal taw.
She pun dh agree.
I tarqk rampas ok.
You nyehh mataey yg nk I .
Haha .
I bencii you jugak uhq !
You jelez kankankan?
6:57 PM
Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010
miracles do happen .

Wan, Aizz, Faris, Aan, Bobby.

Ahnie samerh Aicha .

Kecyq samerh Ila .

Ila, Kecyq, Farina, Linda .

Faa, Mael, Bobby, Ishah .
It's the little things that makes life great .
That brings me reminiscing the first day in this very school .
Best friends who get into the same school , lucky them .
They get to meet up before they come to school .
As usual , avoiding the shame of meeting unknown people in a new school .
I was so lost and I didn't even know where my best friend is .
And even worst , I can't even wear my uniform properly .
Yeah , my skirt keeps falling down .
Size , too big .
1st week of school ,
It's like a nightmare .
Damn , I can't even understand this school .
Isn't it amazing , we all came as unknown strangers ,
And finally , see how we bonded with each other .
It is definitely like a miracle .
We became so much more ketat than ever .
Even though we all fight , we still come together as one .
Love you guys !
Labels: random~
3:53 AM
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Darh 1 minggu akuhh tak trun bn ly .
Bilerh agaknyerh nk trun ehk ?
Nice to know that my syg is going to school almost everyday .
and learn new thgs too .
by , i nk pyy wcp nan you .
Ehk , kalau this monday i leh kuar,
You leh kuar ?
Kalau lehh , i nk jumpeh you and at the same time ,
I nk blajar . ahah
Kaey luhhh .
I miss you sayang .
Lurve youh .
1:18 PM