Get Out
Ila and Love
♥Aizz havock♥
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Drum Roll
x-Bunny. Blog..

something are meant to be a secret.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hari niek , class play !
Nervous to the max siarh !!!
Tapi , its not about winning or losing .
Its how much effort and how much fun you had .
I did have fun falling on stage .
Anyway kan , my life is getting better .
In my opinion actually .
Asal ehk ?
There are ups and downs tapi kan ,
Asl lebih baek ehk ?
And sayang , I hope you like the letter .
I sendiri yg luah kan prasaan hati I.
Love you to the max.
9:42 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ahnie Esai kini kembali .
Hari ni so the tired .
Ehk , dorang gy west coast siarh .
Kalau lah aku leh ikot .
Kan best .
Dapat jumpehh mataey !!
Tapi , bersyukur luhh .
Smalam dh dpt berjumpehh .
Dh bagus tuhh .
Hahah .
Kaey , smlm apa jadi ehk ?
Ouh .
Aku trn bnly then tiberh2 hujan lebat .
Saperh jek nyanyi sampai lebat tuhh ?
Heh .
Then aku nan ila pyy kedai beli waffle ,
Kembali paderh letterbox then ikot dorang pyy JE .
Nk maen bola katerh kan .
huakhuak .
kat sanerh , sumerh maen , hanyerh satu sajerh yg ketinggalan .
kaey , diam , shht .
Picture tyme ~

Wan joker , dngan trademark nyehh .

Tengok saperh ? ngok wan plakk .

Ngah concentrate bacerh , Shhh....

Sedang berjiwang .
Aku ngah mendarqk , so amek gambar luhh .
Haha .
Tapyy , gambar akuhh takdehh .
ishishish .
Hari ni kan , aku pyy KTM .
Then pyy Changi beach .
Aku amek kesempatan utk maen buai .
lol .
dh lamerh tak maen katerhkan .
hehe .
Rindu mataey luhh .
Bhy , iloveyou !
10:50 PM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hehehe ,
Hari niek btol punyehh shiokk .
Pt skola , sumerh rilek2 .
Razak tak dtg pahh .
Cekgu Malyana take over .
WooHoo !
Citerhkan citerh hantu uhq .
Then english period , rehearsal for the mic passing .
Then , Woot ,
After skool pyy 401 nak mam jap .
Jumpehh Zai nan Nas .
Bobual2 then Zai bagy aku die peyhh french fries .
Kimeekkk ,
Masin dokk .
Nas pun katerh masin .
"Mintak kene potong kaki sial "
Lol .
Zai nan Nas nampak gambar aicha yg so the nerd pat hp
Aicha , then kiwakk .
Nas katerh ,"aku ketawe sampai koma siot ."
Huhu .
Pass tuhh , dorang mao pyy fight pt dkat nan Juying sec .
Dh gytu , Akuhh nan aicha pyy math remedial .
Ooopsy , sengajehh pyy lambat .
haha , shht..
blajarh math jap then kiterh pyy student hub jap .
Plan ngn Afiq nan Myrul .
Tanyehh dorang pyy manerh.
In the end , tak ikot dorang .
Nampak class 'chiobuhh'.
Drg nk oyy jurong point .
Kiterh katerh nak ikot .
Then nampak si Wan , Aan nan Azrim .
Dornag trun buss .
Kiterh cancel pyy jp then pyy nan wan sumerh .
Lepak nan dorang plus Aizz Shanchiz .
Lepak pat block 407 .
Then Aicha mao beli air so kiterh form ther kiterh belah .
KIterh masok skul alek , pyy student hub .
Tengok Syakir maen guitar hero ,
kiwakk , mcm pro perh siarh ?
Dierh maen guitar , aku nan aicha nyanyi .
haha .
Then kiterh plak yg maen guitar hero .
Tak tawurh control siarh .
Sumerh lagu fail .
haha . kul 4 , belah then balek .
Ni part yg beak punyahh .
Mael dari blakang takotkan aku nan aicha ,
yg sedang shiok2 dngar story pasal Mamat Chocky .
Then kiterh tgerh jalan ,
Mael balek nake lift .
Bilerh pintu nak tutup , aku nan aicha picet butang
jadi pintu bukak balek .
Mael suruh stop .
then kiterh continue .
mael dh irritated then kiterh tetap continue .
Ketawe terbahak-bahak .
Kiterh stop the pusing around the lift ,
kiterh piceyt the butang utk lift lagy satu jadi mael tak nampak.
Tahan jekk the laughter yg nak terketawerh tuhh .
Kaey then at last , kiterh lepaskan .
kesian plak mael ehk .
Haha .
Kkaaeeyy !
9:58 PM
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kaey , feel like cursing someone .
To MATT ROSES , fuck you !
I'm done .
Seriously , I should deserve better .
Let bygones be bygones .
To my beloved sayang ,
YOU are the only one for me .
We will never be apart again .
You are the light that leads my way in life.
Thanks baby .
7 month still long time .
Just have to wait .
By , iloveyou luhh .
geram luhh i tengok gambar you .
mcm nak cubit pipi you ajerh .
Haha .
Dh lamerh kiterh tak berjumperh .
This Saturday make sure you tak paitaw I taww .
Mcm last Sunday , You paitaw siarh .
Kaey ?
owe me big one jyeahh ??
To Kazuma Aruyo *A.K.A* Anuar;
Kau mintak a/c number akuhh tapi duit di manerh ?
Make sure by this friday taw aku dapat .
Kau sendiri yg katerh ehk .
Aku dh tolong kau , kau tolong aku balek blehh .
Kalau aku tak tolong kau ,
aku raserh kau dh hilang nyawerh kau taww .
Aku ni nk tolong since kau ni dulu nan Sancha Anika .
Dia kawan aku then kau mataer dierh dulu .
I will sacrifice fo her .
Pasal kau .
So get the money ASAP kaeyy ??
10:20 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pukimakk !!
Pnat keperh girl ?
Kaey , just like he said . "Mind ur words"
*calming down*
Ehk , pp8 mao loww uhqq .
Saperh2 nak top uo kan ahnie ?
Ahnie pokai luhh .
Badan saket seyyhh .
Smalam uat 5-stations .
Sial uhq , stretching pun tak betoll .
Ehk , tadi uat drama rehearsal .
Best2 skali . Pasal full dress . haha .
KEN as AH BENG(??)
....drum roll please....
my dressing so the clumsy siarh but wait to see my acting .
more clumsier .
i'll be falling on stage in front of the whole audience .
cool horr .
anyway , i want Zaliq to be ah beng rather than Ken .
the way ken walk , like robot siarh .
kaey shht .
I'll be changing my msn soon .
will update here for the new addresss .
do add up aitees??
To my sayang ; i dh delete that fcuking photo that you ask me to . Dh puas bhy ??
7:57 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
11:39 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Was supposed to go for DNT after school but I was feeling sleepy .
Despite going too sleep at 9.45 p.m , My eyes felt like I'm carrying sacks of rice .
I was fighting my sleepiness during geography and maths .
I'm like seated in front of the class and still can close my eyes .
Wth ~
Anyway , the thing that kept me awake is talking to Yi Bao about LEFT4DEAD2 .
Haha . He says I'm like the witch plus the jockey . The way I acted crying sound like the witch .
Haha .
All the way zombie madness .
And not to mention , ANNOYING ORANGE .
So addicted to it man .
"Hey apple , hey , hey apple , apple hey ."*orange*
"You look funny . you're not even red ."*orange said to apple iphone .*
Haha . kaey shhht .
Bhy , I'm glad you are enjoying school .
Finally I heard you said that you liked the maths lesson .
I was shocked to read the message .
Haha . Love you .
Both of us could be the so called "smart alec" couple .
Huahuakk . Fakee~
Ehk smalam kutuk I ehk .
Org ngah in pelat moment then you pon mesti mao ikot pahh ?
ishhh ..
Bhy , imagine we are in a zombie apocalypse .
Hmm..would you rather die or team up with the other survivors ?
Do you even think that there is gonna ever be a zombie apocalypse ?
9:21 PM
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Behbhy ! you maen bola lamerh sakk !
I mcg , you tak eply .
Sedihh I .
Haha . Tkperh luhh .
You pehhyy life , you do what you want kaey ?
Asalkan you jangan menggatal .
I dh lamerh tak jumperh you .
I miss you bhy .
I just have this unavoidable mistake .
I just did it like , just now .
I wonder if I should tell .
But if I did , he'll get seriously mad at me .
But I dun want to make him sad .
I should've not done it at all .
But the only thing , I've always wanted to do it .
I'm so damn confused .
Should I or should I not ?
Tadi after morning assembly , ngah tron tangga dari ISH .
Then pusing blakang , pt depan umah mimi ada bdk2 juying .
Skali punyehh focus , Dh nampak saperh .
Pyy salam dorang .
But b4 dat , Ila dh tukar mood .
From dat sleepy,bored girl to the hyperactive girl .
Nampak diehh tuhh katerh kan .
Then tak tentu pasal , aku kene SSSAAAPPP .
Sial uhq .
Bahu sakeyt dokk .
Dornag nmpk sakk aku kene SSSAAAPPP .
kiwakk . best day at skool but confused after the thingy .
I need to make up my mind .
9:20 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Baby , I know that you're cool with rockin' with me ,
But I can't have you telling everybody .
You got me all twisted in your lips , like this
So tell me , are you gonna kiss , kiss and tell ?
So are you gonna kiss me and tell everybody .
You got me all twisted in your lips boy ,
So tell me are you gonna kiss and tell .
Behbhy, I Love You .
10:29 PM
Hari ni , So the irritating gitu kan .
Hmm . Pasal cerite Kuda Kepang kat dalam surat khbar smlm ,
Razak dh start bobual big2 .
Kiwakk , mesti ke bobual pasal agama kalau ni bkn madrasah ?
And ptt klass , dierh bobual pasal dierh against kuda kepang .
Ada aku kisah ke ?
Ada aku kisah kalau dulu kawan dierh ajak dierh masok kk ?
Tak lahh weii .
Kalau kau tak sukerh bende2 syirik ni kan , diamdiam jehh luhh .
Ingat , dalam kelas kau tuhh , ada beberapa kk fans tawurh tak ?
Dia katerh , kk tuhh bkn satu hiburan . Org2 yg tengok sumerh takot .
Bdk2 kecyk yg tengok sumerh nanges kalau tengok show .
Setawu aku , aku tak pernah nampak bdk2 nanges pt kk show .
Kalau org takot nk tengok pon , dorang tak akan pyy tengok luhh weii .
Mawu bikin binget pada kk fans jekk taww .
Recess plakk , tak dapat makan nasi uhqq .
Mesti pyy uat geography test .
Tu lahh , saperh suruh dtg skola lambat ?
Ahnie , Ahnie ..
huakkhuakk .
Ehk , Pat class ada dua anjing laut uhqq seyh .
Perangai jangan nk step matrep uhq weii .
Dulu korang perangai cool , skarang , issshhh .
Takleh tahan .
Dh tadi aku nan aicha suruh bunuh cicak , korang pyy tendang cicak
patt longkang .
Haiyoo .
And anjing2 laut , remember , ntahntahh korang ncc ,
jgn nk step corporal kat class ehk .
And to the budak2 cinerh di dalam class aku tuhh .
Ehk , korang dh umur 14 luhh weii !
Maseh nk maen pokemon lagy perh boyy ?
Aku punyehh adek sedara lagy matued dari korang luhh ehk .
Umur lagy muderh dari korang .
At last , after school ,
pyy hantar si aicha tuhh .
Last , takleh kuar .
Aperh ni gerl ?
Then aku alek , uat keje .
Tukar baju then kuar !
Gy Boon Lay uhq . manerh lagyk .
Dtg sanerh , nampak Nadd , then nampak Surya .
Aku jalan pyy beli GREEN APPLE ICEBLENDED.
Bilerh nak beli tuh , Zaidi panggil aku .
Ehk , dierh tunggu akuhh beli ice blended uhqq .
Tuhh baru aku panggil kawan yg tak tinggal kan kawan seorangan .
Kiterh jalan sama2 gy jumperh Mimi , Apit , Bob legong , Iqbal , Zaini .
Hubby , suruh alek seblom kul 5 .
Then aku kan quaiquai . Alek kul 4.30 .
lol .
Anyway , tadi Mimi raserh lemahh .
Alalalah , kesian Mimi .
hehe .
8:56 PM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Behbhy , I rindu you sangat2 .
Akhirnya U pulang .
Blehh I chat nan you . huhu .
Dh dapat tawuhh you selamat ,
Tenang hati I .
How I wish I could be there with you .
Bhy , I'm missing a piece of my heart .
You curik ehk ?
Takperh , you simpan kaey ?
So i will always be remembered in your heart .
Love you always sayang .
Tmr morning must take Geography test alone !!
Mcm malas gytuhh .
Tkpehh . Ikot mcm Ila , maen hantam .
Better get a few marks then no marks at all .
11:03 PM
Asylum626 suxx .
You cant even play !!
Play hotel626 more the better lorh .
Anybody knows how to solve the morse code at the crazy man stage ?
I want to solve that stage .
Anybody up for hotel626 ??
9:55 PM
Currently waiting for asylum626 to load .
Lagging shiaa .
All I can hear is the sound of the heartbeat .
Can you hurry up ??
9:30 PM
Hari niek , Bdae Nadd and her anniversary with Solehh .
1 year and 9 months . Woww .
Lamerh sakk .
Congrats korang , last long aitees ?
Smalam tido kul 4 Pagy . Tapi yg pelik , Akuhh tak nantok .
Cool . Ingat nak trun bnlay hari niek .
Tapi tak jadi . Akuhh pyy jemputan uhq beb .
Aderh kude kepang tapi takdeh menurun .
Hmph !
Smalam aderh Treojadtilimo .
So aicha , How did you face him ?
Aperh dierh uat pat kau .
You know who i'm talking bout kan ?
Mak kau dh maki dierh ? huahuakk .
Ehk , behbhy , thks for forgiving me .
Jgn gado2 lagy . tak bagus .
Anyway , I miss you so much .
I love you . muackzz !!
Kecyqq yutyutt , Last long with your Zaidi bin Zianudin .
Harap korang last long .
110409 . Samerh nan Nadd and Solehh .
Easy to remember . Odd number jgk uhq beb !!
High-five !!
Ila pendekk , you maseh singleee ?
Asl tak mingleee ?
Skarang you sukerh saperh ? I wish you will have a guy soon .
Jangan jealous dokk !!
Iraa Utsukutshi , Hows you and aan ?
Sumerh okaey ? Pls , jgn gaduh2 luhh . kaey ?
3:35 PM
I guess I did something wrong . really2 wrong .
I shouldnt have said that i have a hawtstuff .
ohmgee . I feel so guilty .
He became mad at me and i started to panic and i can't even think with all the panicking .
To me , he is just hawt . okaey ? no feelings towards him .
Yu know dat I only love you and no one else . if I had feeling towards him ,
I wouldnt have waited for you . I would flirting be with him .
I dun want you to be jealous okaey .
I love you , you love me . Dats all .
I know how you feel , but please , dun think negatively .
From happy , you made me feel confused .
I realised , I was wrong .
Mmg betol apa u kata .
Tapi , U takleh bandingkan opinion I nan opinion U .
Different minds thinks different . somemore , you're a guy , i'm a girl .
U tknk gaduh , i pon tknk gaduh .
So put the blame on me . I yg bersalah .
If you're reading this post ,
I want to apologize , I didn't mean anything serious about the hawtstuff thingy .
So can you please get over it . He is nothing to me !
Think , why do I love you instead of loving him ?
Why should I wait for you when I actually can go to the others ?
Well , I love you instead of him because he is the type of guy that girls get easily sweep off their feet . Because of his looks , girls will say he is hawt . But I dun want that kind off guy . I want you . I waited for you because waiting for you no matter how long , It's worth it . You are the kind of guy who cherish every little thing about his love . Get the definition yet ?
So , lastly , I'm sorry ...
"When you're at the end of the road ,
And you lost all sense of control ,
And your thoughts have taken their tolls,
your mind breaks the spirit of your soul."
Labels: sorry...
2:10 AM
kaey , I dapat tawurrh yg you pp8 low .
pp8 low then asl tak kol i bhy ?
haiyomaa .
Ehk , tadyk ada bdk caryk pasal uhq .
Kalau hensem takpehh . ni step manerh punyehh bdk yg maen baju .
Nak tawurh aku manerh punyehh ? aku bdk Singapore luhh bodowhh .
Tak happy , lu dtg jumperh akuhh . gentle talking uhq beb .
Setakat ila katerh yg dierh nampk _____ nyehh bdn hot , aderh six pack pon takleh ehk ?
Aku pon dulu ckp gytu . mmg dierh hot , aderh six pack . Compliment jek uhq .
At least aku tak maki dokk .
dierh hawtstuff akuhh luhh . aku raserh ehk , kau menyesal maki2 ni sumerh bilerh kau dapat nampak bdk lelaki tuhh in person .
Nk bandingkan korang duerh , laki tuhh sejuta kali lebih cute , hawt , sachokk saripada kau .
Sialan peyyh anarqk .
palabutoo .
pukymakk , maty tak nak , serondeng ~
12:29 AM
Kiwakk !! Hari ni bored to the max siarh .
Tido entahh baperh jam tetap nantok jgk .
Haishh , mateyyyh tak msg langsung seyhh .
Bhy ! asl nan you ?
Majok ehhk I tak eply you smlm ?
I kan tertdo . maner tidak . You mcg I kul 2 pagy .
majok uhq . taknk post lagyk .
12:22 AM
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
almost two days out and and about .
It was tuesday and I went home late . I was talking to suzila and liyana about running away from home and stuff . It is 6.45 and it's time to go home . My handphone and Liyana's are already ringing and receiving messages . As i reached home , Yeah.. , I got lectured . I can see my dad can't stand my6 attitude so he said "are you willing to take the risk ?"
And i said yes . Wel , the risk is to get out of the house . I packed my bag and I called suzila up . I will overnight at ila's house . I walked out of my house and went straight to ila's house . I'm really glad that there is somebodywho can offer me somewhere to stay . I told my hubby that i've been kicked out of the house and I decided to meet him for a while . I really miss him so much . As me and Ila reached boon lay , my hubby , mimi , soleh , man , polong and more were at the round table. I sat beside my hubby and ila sat beside zai . Finally after a long time , My hubby's arm wrapped around me . I lay my head on his shoulders and my heart was at ease . when its 9.45 , we all went home . Kita salam and when i salam my hubby , he swhispered to me "paperh just mcg i kaey ?" and he kissed me . I felt like i'm in heaven . Like , awwww . sweet kan ?? Me and ila walked home with mimi and man . Then we were far apart then the distance became nearer and nearer . then ila and i belok nk pyy beli roti just for supper . Kat umah suzila , kiterh on9 bobual nan liyana . then msg2 nan zai . The couple to be katerh kan . Ila nan aku mcm matchmaker dokkk .
Hahahahahah .
Then aku bacerh blog ila then both tersengehsengeh .*keneng naeknaek*
Ila then katerh nk tengok citerh Adnan Sempit then i say yes . huakhuakk .
Bilerh aku ngah tengok , tiberh2 senyap . Aku pusing , tengok luhh . Ila dh ter-K.O kat atas katil .
Nantokk kepahh ila ?
Aku ngok Adnan Sempit sampai abes then i switched the tv and the light off .
I wished gdnight to my hubby and i slept . Kul 4 pagy kiterh bangun then ila katerh , kau tido uhq . nanti kul 5.0 aku kejot kau .
Kiwakkk , kul 8 pagy aru kiterh angun shiia .
manerh leh gy skola lagyk beb ?
Kiterh dua paitaw uhq seyhh .
haha . then kiterh gy jumperh makcik aku then i brought my bag home .
lepas tuhh , aku nan ila pyy bn lay jumpehh liyana . then kul braperh entah , kiterh hantar liyana alek .
Ila plak lupa amik beg duit dari liyana . Then kiterh tunggu liyana abes mandi then liyana trun bagy beg duit . kiterh lepak for five mins then blah . Ila nan aku plak tknk alek . kiterh patah alekk pyy bn lay !!!
Kiterh lepak kat bn ly sampai kul 9.30 then alek nan mimi .
Mimi caring gytu kan .
Kat bn ly , keycohh beb . liyana uhq . msg2 nan ila nan aku , bobual pasal zai then handphone aku kene passing2 ngan dorang .
"konek steam tk bilerh kembang ?"
liyana , liyana . bocohh rahsierh .
then kiterh sumerh alek . aku kat umah ngah kene lecture then made a deal with my bpk .
lepak only three times during weekdays . weekends , once in a month , alek sebelum kul 8 malam .
gerek pahh ?
atleast something then going girl's home kan ??
Aku skrg tak pyy skola . cikgu pon tawu asl . haha .
then nth to do . Skrg aku gd2 , quai2 . tak bad2 lagyk .
lol . My hubby and mimi akan tlg aku agar aku tidak terlintas janji akuhh .
Thks ehk korang . love you .
x IlaPendekk ;
tell your daddy i say thks and ila , thks for being with me 24/7 . love you sayang .
jealous ehk nan yutyutt nan i ? takpehh . you mesti dpt seorang punyahh . trust me , you will .
MamatKeciq(hubby) ;
Bhy , i promise i akan berubah . change for the best . Thks for being by my side all these times . you cnfrm tak pyy celebrate this sunday ? 3 events taww . phm2 luhh .
[M]ickey[S]anchy ;
Thks mimi pasal jaga Hannis bilerh Harry takderh . wish i can give you something in return .
Miss you uhq .
And i said yes . Wel , the risk is to get out of the house . I packed my bag and I called suzila up . I will overnight at ila's house . I walked out of my house and went straight to ila's house . I'm really glad that there is somebodywho can offer me somewhere to stay . I told my hubby that i've been kicked out of the house and I decided to meet him for a while . I really miss him so much . As me and Ila reached boon lay , my hubby , mimi , soleh , man , polong and more were at the round table. I sat beside my hubby and ila sat beside zai . Finally after a long time , My hubby's arm wrapped around me . I lay my head on his shoulders and my heart was at ease . when its 9.45 , we all went home . Kita salam and when i salam my hubby , he swhispered to me "paperh just mcg i kaey ?" and he kissed me . I felt like i'm in heaven . Like , awwww . sweet kan ?? Me and ila walked home with mimi and man . Then we were far apart then the distance became nearer and nearer . then ila and i belok nk pyy beli roti just for supper . Kat umah suzila , kiterh on9 bobual nan liyana . then msg2 nan zai . The couple to be katerh kan . Ila nan aku mcm matchmaker dokkk .
Hahahahahah .
Then aku bacerh blog ila then both tersengehsengeh .*keneng naeknaek*
Ila then katerh nk tengok citerh Adnan Sempit then i say yes . huakhuakk .
Bilerh aku ngah tengok , tiberh2 senyap . Aku pusing , tengok luhh . Ila dh ter-K.O kat atas katil .
Nantokk kepahh ila ?
Aku ngok Adnan Sempit sampai abes then i switched the tv and the light off .
I wished gdnight to my hubby and i slept . Kul 4 pagy kiterh bangun then ila katerh , kau tido uhq . nanti kul 5.0 aku kejot kau .
Kiwakkk , kul 8 pagy aru kiterh angun shiia .
manerh leh gy skola lagyk beb ?
Kiterh dua paitaw uhq seyhh .
haha . then kiterh gy jumperh makcik aku then i brought my bag home .
lepas tuhh , aku nan ila pyy bn lay jumpehh liyana . then kul braperh entah , kiterh hantar liyana alek .
Ila plak lupa amik beg duit dari liyana . Then kiterh tunggu liyana abes mandi then liyana trun bagy beg duit . kiterh lepak for five mins then blah . Ila nan aku plak tknk alek . kiterh patah alekk pyy bn lay !!!
Kiterh lepak kat bn ly sampai kul 9.30 then alek nan mimi .
Mimi caring gytu kan .
Kat bn ly , keycohh beb . liyana uhq . msg2 nan ila nan aku , bobual pasal zai then handphone aku kene passing2 ngan dorang .
"konek steam tk bilerh kembang ?"
liyana , liyana . bocohh rahsierh .
then kiterh sumerh alek . aku kat umah ngah kene lecture then made a deal with my bpk .
lepak only three times during weekdays . weekends , once in a month , alek sebelum kul 8 malam .
gerek pahh ?
atleast something then going girl's home kan ??
Aku skrg tak pyy skola . cikgu pon tawu asl . haha .
then nth to do . Skrg aku gd2 , quai2 . tak bad2 lagyk .
lol . My hubby and mimi akan tlg aku agar aku tidak terlintas janji akuhh .
Thks ehk korang . love you .
x IlaPendekk ;
tell your daddy i say thks and ila , thks for being with me 24/7 . love you sayang .
jealous ehk nan yutyutt nan i ? takpehh . you mesti dpt seorang punyahh . trust me , you will .
MamatKeciq(hubby) ;
Bhy , i promise i akan berubah . change for the best . Thks for being by my side all these times . you cnfrm tak pyy celebrate this sunday ? 3 events taww . phm2 luhh .
[M]ickey[S]anchy ;
Thks mimi pasal jaga Hannis bilerh Harry takderh . wish i can give you something in return .
Miss you uhq .
Labels: i almost got arrested .
11:31 AM
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thanks for coming back to my life .
I know you're my one and only .
I love you .
I miss you .
I'll be looking forward to your presence . haha .
Thanks for calling me . I really miss your voice .
Remember sayang , you owe me something . Hehe .
Bhy , at last i'm back with you . Impian jadi nyata .
All this time you waited for me isn't a waste .
I'm now here for you .
I know you're my one and only .
I love you .
I miss you .
I'll be looking forward to your presence . haha .
Thanks for calling me . I really miss your voice .
Remember sayang , you owe me something . Hehe .
Bhy , at last i'm back with you . Impian jadi nyata .
All this time you waited for me isn't a waste .
I'm now here for you .
9:46 PM
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
my love story..
"Sekian lama terpisah ,
Akhirnya kita berjumpa ,
Bagai sebuah cerita cinta ..
Senyuman yg kau ukirkan ,
Selalu bermain di mata ,
Hingga terbawa di dalam lena .
Bila ku pejam mata ,
Dirimu yg menjelma ,
Bertemu kita di dlm mimpi indah .."
Isn't it amazing that love is the mother of all feelings ?
Everyone possesses love .
But not everyone possesses happiness , sadness and madness .
Without love , happiness , sadness and madness won't exist .
Am I right ?
I was regretful and full of sadness when I first let go of the guy that I love and treasure the most .
I wouldn't want to say your name .
Yes , I want you to know that I still love you and if we were to ever get back together again , promise me we will be better than before ...
Don't worry , I will wait for you .
You were the one who gave me the strength to go beyond than what I expected in love . And I thank you for that .
You will always be part of the list , always number 1 baby .
No other guys will beat you in this love competition . I know you will always be the winner .
"When my world is falling apart ,
When there's no light to break up the dark ,
That's when I look at you .
When the waves are flooding the shore ,
And I can't find my way home anymore ,
That's when I look at you ..."
Akhirnya kita berjumpa ,
Bagai sebuah cerita cinta ..
Senyuman yg kau ukirkan ,
Selalu bermain di mata ,
Hingga terbawa di dalam lena .
Bila ku pejam mata ,
Dirimu yg menjelma ,
Bertemu kita di dlm mimpi indah .."
Isn't it amazing that love is the mother of all feelings ?
Everyone possesses love .
But not everyone possesses happiness , sadness and madness .
Without love , happiness , sadness and madness won't exist .
Am I right ?
I was regretful and full of sadness when I first let go of the guy that I love and treasure the most .
I wouldn't want to say your name .
Yes , I want you to know that I still love you and if we were to ever get back together again , promise me we will be better than before ...
Don't worry , I will wait for you .
You were the one who gave me the strength to go beyond than what I expected in love . And I thank you for that .
You will always be part of the list , always number 1 baby .
No other guys will beat you in this love competition . I know you will always be the winner .
"When my world is falling apart ,
When there's no light to break up the dark ,
That's when I look at you .
When the waves are flooding the shore ,
And I can't find my way home anymore ,
That's when I look at you ..."
12:36 AM