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something are meant to be a secret.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
ngahh happyy2 then buat spoil .
Aku nan aicha ngah kekek2 then tibe2 uat hal .
kecohh uhq .
the funny part that we're laughing about is that during recesss , we dare each other to say this .
me to aicha:*england slang*"cik , can ihave some sarrrdiiness and more kuuahhh ? more pleasee , more . thankeyou ."
aicha to me:*bello way*"cher , i want rice . put saaambaal goorengg . and this kuuuaah ."
terkekek sial . mcm bdk bello sakk kene .
Hahah .
Then aku tak phm , asl hari ni nasi mcm siket ehk ? slalu nyehh bnyk . check2 mak cik tuhh bgyy siket pasal kite mcm bdk slengerhh sesat manerh ntah .
haha .
then ,dh abes mkn , beli air then duduk one corner .
Sekali kann , Efaa dtg . dia complain pt kiterh yg bdk sec 1 tuhh pyy pekik pt Efaa "bodoh" .
Manerh I tarqk binget kan . kwn I tuhh .
Pastuhh , apa lagyk . friendly one-on-one talking uhq beb . baru gentle .
Aku pon confused . Efaa katerh Azirah yg pekik . then bile ngah talking , Azirah katehh Qamarina yg pekik . apa ini ? buat lawak pahh ?
kaey tkpehh . yg satuhh aku binget tuhh , Efaa nk gemtle talking then si Qamarina tuh nk stepp manerh peyhh big2 mao panggil org bodoh .
Efaa cume tanyehh "tawu maen guitar perh . kalau tawu maen sini uhq "
Then korang mesti mao pekik bodoh perh ?
Ehk Qamarina , Efaa tanyehh kau , kalau org yg kau tk knal kau panggil kau bodoh kau sukerh perh ?
Kau katerh kau tak kesah . Kau katerh org tuhh cnfrm bilerh dh besar jadyk bodoh .
Okaey , skrg aku tanyehh kau , kalau org tuhh dh besar then lebih maju dari ka , apa kau nk ckp ? Kaey takpehh . Laen kali aku panggil kau bodoh ehk kalau aku terserempak nan kau kat luar . amaciam ? best ? laen kali pk blehhh tak ? nk panggil org bodoh , pk 2 kali uhq beb . Kau tuhh pandai sangat perh ???
Efaa ilang yg laen , tkpayh nk nanges . intention kiterh is gentle talking , bkn nk carik pasal . phm ??
and lastly , Afikhaa and Aisyah .
Korang ada hal perh nan aku , aicha , ira nan ila ?
Nama kiterh sume setakat nick name perh .
Ahnie Esai , Aicha elmo yourbabiikeaii , iraa utsukushii nan ila pendekk .
Asl mao kacau ?
nama kiterh ke nama korang ?
kiterh takdehh kacau korang abeh asl mesti kacau kiterh punyehh .?
klakar kan ?
laen kali tak happy , bleh bobual kan . tak payah nk mengumpat .
aku pon heran pasal korang .
mengumpat punyehh luhh obvious .
buat binget uhq gerl .
Ehk hari ni bdae Afiqo , Ahpekk goodboy nan saperh lagyk ehk ?
luperh uhq .
kaey tkpehh .
kecohh uhq .
the funny part that we're laughing about is that during recesss , we dare each other to say this .
me to aicha:*england slang*"cik , can ihave some sarrrdiiness and more kuuahhh ? more pleasee , more . thankeyou ."
aicha to me:*bello way*"cher , i want rice . put saaambaal goorengg . and this kuuuaah ."
terkekek sial . mcm bdk bello sakk kene .
Hahah .
Then aku tak phm , asl hari ni nasi mcm siket ehk ? slalu nyehh bnyk . check2 mak cik tuhh bgyy siket pasal kite mcm bdk slengerhh sesat manerh ntah .
haha .
then ,dh abes mkn , beli air then duduk one corner .
Sekali kann , Efaa dtg . dia complain pt kiterh yg bdk sec 1 tuhh pyy pekik pt Efaa "bodoh" .
Manerh I tarqk binget kan . kwn I tuhh .
Pastuhh , apa lagyk . friendly one-on-one talking uhq beb . baru gentle .
Aku pon confused . Efaa katerh Azirah yg pekik . then bile ngah talking , Azirah katehh Qamarina yg pekik . apa ini ? buat lawak pahh ?
kaey tkpehh . yg satuhh aku binget tuhh , Efaa nk gemtle talking then si Qamarina tuh nk stepp manerh peyhh big2 mao panggil org bodoh .
Efaa cume tanyehh "tawu maen guitar perh . kalau tawu maen sini uhq "
Then korang mesti mao pekik bodoh perh ?
Ehk Qamarina , Efaa tanyehh kau , kalau org yg kau tk knal kau panggil kau bodoh kau sukerh perh ?
Kau katerh kau tak kesah . Kau katerh org tuhh cnfrm bilerh dh besar jadyk bodoh .
Okaey , skrg aku tanyehh kau , kalau org tuhh dh besar then lebih maju dari ka , apa kau nk ckp ? Kaey takpehh . Laen kali aku panggil kau bodoh ehk kalau aku terserempak nan kau kat luar . amaciam ? best ? laen kali pk blehhh tak ? nk panggil org bodoh , pk 2 kali uhq beb . Kau tuhh pandai sangat perh ???
Efaa ilang yg laen , tkpayh nk nanges . intention kiterh is gentle talking , bkn nk carik pasal . phm ??
and lastly , Afikhaa and Aisyah .
Korang ada hal perh nan aku , aicha , ira nan ila ?
Nama kiterh sume setakat nick name perh .
Ahnie Esai , Aicha elmo yourbabiikeaii , iraa utsukushii nan ila pendekk .
Asl mao kacau ?
nama kiterh ke nama korang ?
kiterh takdehh kacau korang abeh asl mesti kacau kiterh punyehh .?
klakar kan ?
laen kali tak happy , bleh bobual kan . tak payah nk mengumpat .
aku pon heran pasal korang .
mengumpat punyehh luhh obvious .
buat binget uhq gerl .
Ehk hari ni bdae Afiqo , Ahpekk goodboy nan saperh lagyk ehk ?
luperh uhq .
kaey tkpehh .
11:28 PM
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
mission accomplished ; go bn lay .
at last , dpt jgk akuhh pyy bn ly ehk .
i was accompanied by ila pendekk .
thnks ehk ila .
sampai sanerh , takdehh org then pyy beli bubble tea then ila pyy beli waffle .
lepas tuhh , kiterh pyy letterbox pt 208 . lepak sane . ouh btw , kite actually ikot ind toyol nan bob legong sebelom pyy bn ly . tapi dorang stop halfway pasal drg nk tngu pinnochio laqh seyyh .
then takpehh , kite pyy bn ly dulu .
bilerh ngah lepak2 , kite pon naek mendarqk . aku nan ila try2 panjat2 letterbox . bdk laki panjat memang senang tapi aku nan ila mao uat , tk menjadykk .
then at last , Apit pon dtg . apit nan ila maen guitar , aku sing-along .
Then iqbal dtg , salam2 , dia pyy alek tkr bju .
Legong ,toyol nan pinnochio pun tiberhh . ila pun terkejot uhq asl pinnochio dtg .
we didn't knw pinnochio akn dtg . dari jauh mcm dzul . then *jengjengjeng* pinnochio dtg..
tapi before that , nas dtg . salam then belah . dngar2 ,ada citerh psl nas . phm2 je luhh .
pastu , zaini dtg . dh slm then apit , bob , ind nan ein pyy blah .
tinggal aku , ila nan zai keseorangan . pinjam ipod speaker apit then maen lagu .
apit , bob nan ein pulang then dorang maen pakau sambil isap rokok . kiwakk , bau rokok lekat kat baju aku sakk .
aku pon satu , diri dpan2 tu kenapeh ?? then akhirnya , nadia tiberh .
waktu pon tengah hujan . aku ngah mendark then aku vendalise the wall . pyy uhq caryk .
nama aku terpampang kat sytuu . including the date .
tomorrow , plan beak punyahh . ehk , Harry punyehh 1st mth uhq beb .
last long shiia korang . huhu .
kwn2 , aku text the plan for tomorrow . jgn tk eply aku punyahh text tawurh .
trying to make someone happy tomorrow .
i was accompanied by ila pendekk .
thnks ehk ila .
sampai sanerh , takdehh org then pyy beli bubble tea then ila pyy beli waffle .
lepas tuhh , kiterh pyy letterbox pt 208 . lepak sane . ouh btw , kite actually ikot ind toyol nan bob legong sebelom pyy bn ly . tapi dorang stop halfway pasal drg nk tngu pinnochio laqh seyyh .
then takpehh , kite pyy bn ly dulu .
bilerh ngah lepak2 , kite pon naek mendarqk . aku nan ila try2 panjat2 letterbox . bdk laki panjat memang senang tapi aku nan ila mao uat , tk menjadykk .
then at last , Apit pon dtg . apit nan ila maen guitar , aku sing-along .
Then iqbal dtg , salam2 , dia pyy alek tkr bju .
Legong ,toyol nan pinnochio pun tiberhh . ila pun terkejot uhq asl pinnochio dtg .
we didn't knw pinnochio akn dtg . dari jauh mcm dzul . then *jengjengjeng* pinnochio dtg..
tapi before that , nas dtg . salam then belah . dngar2 ,ada citerh psl nas . phm2 je luhh .
pastu , zaini dtg . dh slm then apit , bob , ind nan ein pyy blah .
tinggal aku , ila nan zai keseorangan . pinjam ipod speaker apit then maen lagu .
apit , bob nan ein pulang then dorang maen pakau sambil isap rokok . kiwakk , bau rokok lekat kat baju aku sakk .
aku pon satu , diri dpan2 tu kenapeh ?? then akhirnya , nadia tiberh .
waktu pon tengah hujan . aku ngah mendark then aku vendalise the wall . pyy uhq caryk .
nama aku terpampang kat sytuu . including the date .
tomorrow , plan beak punyahh . ehk , Harry punyehh 1st mth uhq beb .
last long shiia korang . huhu .
kwn2 , aku text the plan for tomorrow . jgn tk eply aku punyahh text tawurh .
trying to make someone happy tomorrow .
Labels: typical weekends
1:34 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's over ... I'm giving you up .
Love after love . Once all love is through , we might say to ourselves that love and life has no meaning . I learnt that love with fights are normal . My love , no fight at all . From the fight , we comfort each other . That's where we start to love each other again . I really need a new man . I can't be a loner . I always need someone there for me . First , Putra , Yeah not really . Second , Wan muhammad faris , He's cute and could be romantic but I guess he is just immatured at that point . Third , Harry , The longest i've been with , The most greatest person i've ever met . Fourth , Faris , A guy which can always be there for you , but tried to hard . Fifth , Muhammad (AKA ; MATT ROSES) , he is a romantic person but i guess he didnt show and prove it . He kept me waiting like a fool . Five guys in my life . Will there be a new one ? To all the five guys . Thnks for giving me the love experience . It's a thrill ride for me . It's time to go slow and steady . I know there's someone out there . My true love . Will we ever come across each other ? or have we . Sometimes that person is just right in front of you when you actually dunno it . Everybody's different . Hey , someone said this on a reality tv show but i dun recall . "you might see two best friends who are so close to each other but you dunno what they are feeling . Are they just acting to like and to fit in ? are they liking each other's behavior ." Yeah . from there i learned everybodys' different . hope there's some one better out there for me . I dun care if he's a geek or a rude , rebellious guy . I just need someone who cares and understands me .
I have no one to be a listeningg ear . My blog is the only friend that can listen to me .
I have no one to be a listeningg ear . My blog is the only friend that can listen to me .
12:51 AM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
yesterday...I mean today , This morning starting from 12 midnight . Started my computer and at the same time otp-ed with Afiq . lol . Yesterday also , otp-ed with afiq and amirul . we talked for hours . well it doesnt cost much if you call after midnight . I spent two dollars of my pp8 but i talked to them for just two hours . Today , chatted with Harry and like we talked about our life and some random questions . After we chat , we texted . He told me he found a new girl and guess what , its my senior . Haha . Last long Harry and i will sure to heed your advise on what to do with the guy i'm with now . He told me to go with my instincts and not hear what my friends said . I'm not going to mention what over here . its just between me and him . Confidential .
And also , I managed to watch New Moon on dvd . well , its an illegal dvd . haha . I actually cried A few times while watching it . I smiled at the last part when edward said "If you want me to do it , there's one condition ." then bella replied "What condition?" . Edward said "you'll have to marry me ." ..
They will be getting married in breaking dawn . If i'm not wrong . heh .
NO more random things to talk about . And to MATT ROSES , I don't know why you're like this . I don't even know what you're doing in ur life . How am I supposed to know if you didn't text me ? If you can , please meet me . Anywhere . I need to have a private conversation with you .
"my prized posession , one and only . Adore ya , girl i want ya . The one i can't live without , That's you , That's you . You're my special , little lady . The one that makes me crazy . Of all the girls i've ever known is you , is you . My favourite , My favourite , My favourite , My favourite girl , My favourite girl ."
And also , I managed to watch New Moon on dvd . well , its an illegal dvd . haha . I actually cried A few times while watching it . I smiled at the last part when edward said "If you want me to do it , there's one condition ." then bella replied "What condition?" . Edward said "you'll have to marry me ." ..
They will be getting married in breaking dawn . If i'm not wrong . heh .
NO more random things to talk about . And to MATT ROSES , I don't know why you're like this . I don't even know what you're doing in ur life . How am I supposed to know if you didn't text me ? If you can , please meet me . Anywhere . I need to have a private conversation with you .
"my prized posession , one and only . Adore ya , girl i want ya . The one i can't live without , That's you , That's you . You're my special , little lady . The one that makes me crazy . Of all the girls i've ever known is you , is you . My favourite , My favourite , My favourite , My favourite girl , My favourite girl ."
-Justin bieber,'favourite girl'
4:41 PM
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tak sangka nk serempak nan korang . woot .
Akhirnye jumpe ayu . Ayu trun entah asl , then we both see each other .
Ayu angkat anak sape ntah . haha . we both got talking then ayu kate " ayu naek alek . nanti ayu trun uhq ." then i say okaey . kat umah skrg ada nas , fafa , berd , falah , piyan nan cik yati . dgh lama dokk tak lpak kt umah cik yati . last two days aku trun bn ly pasal aku nk prank call orang then lpas tuhh , pk2 nk rilek2 kat sini jap . rindu rumah kedua katakan . aku ddk sorang2 dngar lagu and at the same time , mtk pertolongan umaira . pasal mataer aku .
Dia tak mcg , reply aku . ada kata dia bz . then i almost gave up . i tot it was the end of it bt my friends gave me support . my relationship still moved on . then all was settled , I decided to go home . when I was walking , ada orang pekik name aku , aku toleh luhh .
Rupa-rupanye , bdk2 yg lame aku tk jumpehh ada kat situ . ni yg wierd nyeh . dorang panggil aku , aku dtg uhh . then halfway ngah jalan , dorang kata "Kaey,kaey . tkpehh . tc , tc ! ".
Aku dh mcm huh? then aku using alek . go jalan home . tk slh yg pekik nama aku is Dan . dngar jek mcm dia . heh . walau apapun , aku tetap rindu korang . Bn ly , umah kedua aku . bestest place to hangout where what goes around , comes around . Ayu , nice meeting youhh .
This whole week straight , aku asyik jumpe bdk bnlay jek taw . first jumpehh Dan bile ngah otw gy lepak nan Aicha elmo and Kazuma aruyo . secondly , after kayaking , jumpehh dzul kay macdonald . then now kay bnlay jumphh korang sumehh . best kepahh ?? haah. Baby Efaa dh kembali skola !!
Akhirnye jumpe ayu . Ayu trun entah asl , then we both see each other .
Ayu angkat anak sape ntah . haha . we both got talking then ayu kate " ayu naek alek . nanti ayu trun uhq ." then i say okaey . kat umah skrg ada nas , fafa , berd , falah , piyan nan cik yati . dgh lama dokk tak lpak kt umah cik yati . last two days aku trun bn ly pasal aku nk prank call orang then lpas tuhh , pk2 nk rilek2 kat sini jap . rindu rumah kedua katakan . aku ddk sorang2 dngar lagu and at the same time , mtk pertolongan umaira . pasal mataer aku .
Dia tak mcg , reply aku . ada kata dia bz . then i almost gave up . i tot it was the end of it bt my friends gave me support . my relationship still moved on . then all was settled , I decided to go home . when I was walking , ada orang pekik name aku , aku toleh luhh .
Rupa-rupanye , bdk2 yg lame aku tk jumpehh ada kat situ . ni yg wierd nyeh . dorang panggil aku , aku dtg uhh . then halfway ngah jalan , dorang kata "Kaey,kaey . tkpehh . tc , tc ! ".
Aku dh mcm huh? then aku using alek . go jalan home . tk slh yg pekik nama aku is Dan . dngar jek mcm dia . heh . walau apapun , aku tetap rindu korang . Bn ly , umah kedua aku . bestest place to hangout where what goes around , comes around . Ayu , nice meeting youhh .
This whole week straight , aku asyik jumpe bdk bnlay jek taw . first jumpehh Dan bile ngah otw gy lepak nan Aicha elmo and Kazuma aruyo . secondly , after kayaking , jumpehh dzul kay macdonald . then now kay bnlay jumphh korang sumehh . best kepahh ?? haah. Baby Efaa dh kembali skola !!
Labels: i lap you, you lap me kering . lol .
5:12 PM
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
today was a fun and a great experience for me .
In skool , yeah , studied and concentrated on maths but i didnt listen on science .
English , managed to hand in our project file . last minute redo transcribe and my article .
during maths , did a quiz test thingy about special products and factorisation . so easy right but when you see the questions , you went blank . haha . After maths is PCCG time . talked about bullying . lame shiaa . when to assembly after that and watch an ACAPELLA performance but watch halfway . need to change up for kayaking . Umaira and suzila did'nt come along . i guess that means no cert. for you guys . after i changed , went to buy drinks and then head off to assemble area . leave the same time as the soccer boys . i'll find out the score tmr . otw go there , listened to jusin bieber's song . cool right ? i know . don't say that justin's voice like girl . he sounds okaey what . those guys who say he sounds like girl , its just that you guys are jealous that he's good looking and has a nice voice . kankankan ???
lol .
Kaey , during kayaking , met a new coach which is an ex-huayian . cool shiaa . coach Maya , you the best sioww .
today's location is different . we went to paddle to the "no signboard restauraunt" . the beach nearby . there wewere briefed on what to do and we will be practising on capsizing .
grouped up with aicha and afiq . Afiq went to capsize first . he passed . then followed by aicha which she needs to retry doing capsizing again . then its me. i passed . 1 thg I learnt , dun panic in the water . the more you panic , you suffer more than you think . aicha did three or four times while me and afiq did one time . gerek pahh ?
then once everybody has done and passed capsizing , we head off to paddle back to the bridge . we disembarked there and transport all the kayaks back to their place . washed the PFDs and paddles . then we showered , changed and get settled . kiwakk , bahu sakit shiaa .
then i sat down waiting for aicha . idk y she's taking a long time in the bathroom but when she came out , i saw her wear contanct lense . then i just remembered to wear lenses oso . then i took out my mirror and then wear my lenses . then one part of the mirror fell and break . oh no .
i dun believe in getting bad luck when a mirror broke but some sort of it is kinda true .
when leaving , i actullay left my damn specs over where i was seating . then when reac the skool , want go kfc a bus actually splashed water at me , afiq ,aisha , syairah and aissah . then we all go mumble beneath our breath , cursing . then afiq joke along "ni sume pasal kau uhq . kau pecahkan cermin tadi ." i knew that they were joking so i didnt take it to heart . heh .
met aicha's mom and go eat macdonalds as kfc was full . at macdonalds , terserempak nan dzul . ex nye efaa . kn ? then salam him . dzul was sitting with a girl and a small boy . when i salam-ed him , the little boy stayed behind while dzul and the girl g dun know where . after a while , the boy started crying . i go pujuk him and help him find dzul . he said"adek nak abg dzul . adek nk balek" . he was crying at the time . then when we wanted to go out and search for dzul , dzul came and the happy oready shiaa . i said to dzul ," kau tinggalkan dia sampai dia nanges shiaa ." he replied ," how should i know ". i was like lol .
then the end of my story today . oh yeah . i got a new specs coming this thursday .
now i knw what LMAO and ROFL means .
LMAO; laugh my ass off
ROFL;roll on floor luaghing .
haha . cool shiaa .
so the end . tomorrow accompanying aicha and aruyo go lepak . but i cant stay long sayang .
buy-bye .
(will be talking otp with him this thursday to off the deal )
In skool , yeah , studied and concentrated on maths but i didnt listen on science .
English , managed to hand in our project file . last minute redo transcribe and my article .
during maths , did a quiz test thingy about special products and factorisation . so easy right but when you see the questions , you went blank . haha . After maths is PCCG time . talked about bullying . lame shiaa . when to assembly after that and watch an ACAPELLA performance but watch halfway . need to change up for kayaking . Umaira and suzila did'nt come along . i guess that means no cert. for you guys . after i changed , went to buy drinks and then head off to assemble area . leave the same time as the soccer boys . i'll find out the score tmr . otw go there , listened to jusin bieber's song . cool right ? i know . don't say that justin's voice like girl . he sounds okaey what . those guys who say he sounds like girl , its just that you guys are jealous that he's good looking and has a nice voice . kankankan ???
lol .
Kaey , during kayaking , met a new coach which is an ex-huayian . cool shiaa . coach Maya , you the best sioww .
today's location is different . we went to paddle to the "no signboard restauraunt" . the beach nearby . there wewere briefed on what to do and we will be practising on capsizing .
grouped up with aicha and afiq . Afiq went to capsize first . he passed . then followed by aicha which she needs to retry doing capsizing again . then its me. i passed . 1 thg I learnt , dun panic in the water . the more you panic , you suffer more than you think . aicha did three or four times while me and afiq did one time . gerek pahh ?
then once everybody has done and passed capsizing , we head off to paddle back to the bridge . we disembarked there and transport all the kayaks back to their place . washed the PFDs and paddles . then we showered , changed and get settled . kiwakk , bahu sakit shiaa .
then i sat down waiting for aicha . idk y she's taking a long time in the bathroom but when she came out , i saw her wear contanct lense . then i just remembered to wear lenses oso . then i took out my mirror and then wear my lenses . then one part of the mirror fell and break . oh no .
i dun believe in getting bad luck when a mirror broke but some sort of it is kinda true .
when leaving , i actullay left my damn specs over where i was seating . then when reac the skool , want go kfc a bus actually splashed water at me , afiq ,aisha , syairah and aissah . then we all go mumble beneath our breath , cursing . then afiq joke along "ni sume pasal kau uhq . kau pecahkan cermin tadi ." i knew that they were joking so i didnt take it to heart . heh .
met aicha's mom and go eat macdonalds as kfc was full . at macdonalds , terserempak nan dzul . ex nye efaa . kn ? then salam him . dzul was sitting with a girl and a small boy . when i salam-ed him , the little boy stayed behind while dzul and the girl g dun know where . after a while , the boy started crying . i go pujuk him and help him find dzul . he said"adek nak abg dzul . adek nk balek" . he was crying at the time . then when we wanted to go out and search for dzul , dzul came and the happy oready shiaa . i said to dzul ," kau tinggalkan dia sampai dia nanges shiaa ." he replied ," how should i know ". i was like lol .
then the end of my story today . oh yeah . i got a new specs coming this thursday .
now i knw what LMAO and ROFL means .
LMAO; laugh my ass off
ROFL;roll on floor luaghing .
haha . cool shiaa .
so the end . tomorrow accompanying aicha and aruyo go lepak . but i cant stay long sayang .
buy-bye .
(will be talking otp with him this thursday to off the deal )
Labels: i lap you, you lap me kering . lol .
10:11 PM
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

i had the weirdest dream last night .
this is what i dreamt .
I received a message when i was hanging out alone . like idk y i'm alone .
haha .
the message was sent from mimi .
Saying that i am invited to join them go jalan raya .
(i wondered why is it bout hari raya ?)
continue , they say , on request of alot of ppl , they want me to come and be with them .
I was like , okaey .
Yeah , i was invited by the K.S.B family .
Am i still part of the family ?
*cricket noise*
they told me i can bring anyone who i want just to company me .
i was quite shocked that they wanted me to tag along . haha .
but guys , this is all just a dream . who knows it will turn to reality ?
but if it does turns to reality , i'm very happy . at least , i can spend time with the long lost ppl
close to my heart .
I went to boon lay last month but nobody was there . today , i thougt of going there again after my math class .
but tak jadi . i went to teman elmoo and kazuma go lepak .
otw go lepak , yeah , bumped in to danial .
this is what i dreamt .
I received a message when i was hanging out alone . like idk y i'm alone .
haha .
the message was sent from mimi .
Saying that i am invited to join them go jalan raya .
(i wondered why is it bout hari raya ?)
continue , they say , on request of alot of ppl , they want me to come and be with them .
I was like , okaey .
Yeah , i was invited by the K.S.B family .
Am i still part of the family ?
*cricket noise*
they told me i can bring anyone who i want just to company me .
i was quite shocked that they wanted me to tag along . haha .
but guys , this is all just a dream . who knows it will turn to reality ?
but if it does turns to reality , i'm very happy . at least , i can spend time with the long lost ppl
close to my heart .
I went to boon lay last month but nobody was there . today , i thougt of going there again after my math class .
but tak jadi . i went to teman elmoo and kazuma go lepak .
otw go lepak , yeah , bumped in to danial .
i asked him for his number as i had lost his due to my previous sim card which need to be unlocked . talked for a while and i asked him who is at boon lay and he said he saw mimi . then i was like in my heart , "damn it man . i should have gone down to boon lay ! "
it has been a long time i never see mimi . ada2 , jumpe wawan .
yay ! finally ! Efaa is now back in school . tak puas aku peluk dia kat skola . mcm nk pelok lagyk .
haha . seriosly , she's like so adorable , and her eyes with those contacts , geram !!
hehe . finally aku nak katehh , iloveyou kepade JUSTIN BIEBER .
haha ! cheyy~ mcm phm jek ahnie niek . imissyou BDK2 BL . korang had made my life a joyful one last year . aku nak lepak nan korang lagyk uhq . here ur jokes , problems and rubbish talks , play street soccer and takraw . only if i could rewind time and them playing again . wow . like seriously , wow . haha . korang memang uhq . you guys put a smile on my face .
haha ! cheyy~ mcm phm jek ahnie niek . imissyou BDK2 BL . korang had made my life a joyful one last year . aku nak lepak nan korang lagyk uhq . here ur jokes , problems and rubbish talks , play street soccer and takraw . only if i could rewind time and them playing again . wow . like seriously , wow . haha . korang memang uhq . you guys put a smile on my face .
Labels: i lap you, you lap me kering . lol .
10:29 PM
Monday, March 1, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Gd aftertoon peeps .
it is 12.10 and I'm at home .
Its a monday but i ain't at skool u see .
I woke up late today . hahah . YAY !
no Mr. Razak's class today !!
Tomorrow got kayaking .
Wow ! time flies so fast man .
Currently listening to justin bieber's - baby .
I'm so obsessed with this song .
Well , my boyfriend katakan . haha
Idk what to type . hmm .
Maybe i'll add the mixpod in my blog .
Buh-bye guys .
it is 12.10 and I'm at home .
Its a monday but i ain't at skool u see .
I woke up late today . hahah . YAY !
no Mr. Razak's class today !!
Tomorrow got kayaking .
Wow ! time flies so fast man .
Currently listening to justin bieber's - baby .
I'm so obsessed with this song .
Well , my boyfriend katakan . haha
Idk what to type . hmm .
Maybe i'll add the mixpod in my blog .
Buh-bye guys .
12:07 PM