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x-Bunny. Blog..

something are meant to be a secret.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Can't stop smiling.
Looked at his photo and I smiled straight away. :)
The way he smiled, so cute.
He made my day.
I hope he's okaay.
Miss him TTM.
Hope to see him in next week.
U smile, I smile =)
*I realised this post got alot of the word smile*
1:51 PM
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Why must bump into each other? _|_
I knew this would happen.
hmm. I wonder what he was thinking when he saw me.
I knew all I remember was hatred towards him.
I didn't even want to smile at him.
Hahah, ahnie so sombong. Yg laen pon taknak salam.
Pasal aderh dia tu. :D
9:55 PM
Friday, January 7, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Okaay, I feel so guilty right now.
Never in my life, I've rejected anyone.
Putra still have feelings for me and he told me everything.
He wanted me back but I didn't want to.
I think it's better to be friends.
You see, if you're in a relationship and you fight, you break and never talk to each other any more.
But if you're friends, you seldom fight and always have a long friendship.
Putra, if I were to accept you, I can't.
Because I basically am not ready to have a relationship.
Now, you're upset. You reply my message. Haiyaa.
I'm sorry. ):
Wanna hug me to feel better?
7:01 PM
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Yes, I don't need you anymore.
You came into my life and now we left each other's.
Thanks for all the experience I had with you.
Mark my words, I don't think I'll be coming back to your arms anymore like before.
Bye-bye Harry.
8:31 PM
Monday, December 6, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Getting kind of and thought of wanting to post about my ex-es :P
Zainatul Putra
Same age as me.
He had a crush on me when I was in Primary 5. Like -.-"
In class he send me this cute gifts like he would make plasticine into a heart and stick a piece of paper on with a drawing of us in stickman form. Hahah, cute.
But, I was like a nerd back then and I don't understand the meaning of love.
Wan Muhammad Faris.
Got to know that he liked me through Umaira.
She saw him having my name written on his arm.
Like, wow~
Then, what? I kind of have love at first sight, I guess.
I don't know what happened. Puppy love, dude. Not gonna last.
So in the end, buh-bye.
But I actually was heartbroken? Hahah, why Hannis, why?
Faris Ahmad Fuaz.
Started off like friends.
He accompanied me whenever I'm down.
He was there to talk to me.
Then we became besties. Well, he was the one who wanted to.
He told me that he had a crush on me since sec 1. I knew it :D
At the point when I was like seriously having frequent fights with my boyfriend,
he is the only guy friend that I trust the most.
We talk and talk until we became TTM.
Because we were so damn close. And that's when I started to fall head over heels for him.
Damn, I even broke up with my boyfriend just to be with him.
Sad story. I wasn't really ready to begin a new chapter. My heart wasn't healed yet.
So, chapter ended with a broken heart.
Matt Roses.
I don't really know the full name.
Was recommended by Amirul, who was his cousin.
Because I wanted so badly a guy to be in my life.
Matt was cool, skater dude.
He got the look but apparently, I fell for the wrong guy.
Should have heed advise from Umaira.
He is a Playboy. -.- God, dammit~
I'm sorry. Matt, hope to meet you in hell :)
Muhammad Harry.
Yeap, the longest lasting of them all.
Once my ex but we got back together.
1 year and 2 months <3
2:09 PM
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wow, a fight again.
I don't want things to turn out like last time.
Did I really change in my attitude?
Or is it just towards him?
God, help me.
Again, another dream.
And It happened on the night that we fight.
But in the dream, we were having fun.
Harry, just wanna let you know that I still love you.
9:44 AM
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Holidays are boring -.-
Damn, I can't go out. Only if Daddy is in a good mood, maybe yes.
I seriously miss Harry. I've had my second dream, happened two days ago.
It happens like this. But it doesn't have a proper beginning.
Me and my friends and including my boyfriend were at somewhere and I went to the railing to admire the scenery.
I went alone as it isn't far. Just a few steps.
I was wearing a sleeveless shirt which actually can see the crack of my boobs. -.-"
Then I heard a group of boys coming. They were loud as if trying to get people's attention.
Then my senses says they were behind me. I just ignored.
Then a guy came next to me and and said " Hey beautiful :)"
Yeah, he smiled and looked up and down at me.
Well, someone complimented me so I smiled back.
I turn a little and saw my ex and his friends. My ex was smiling at me also and I smiled back.
Wow, am I that friendly? Hahah.
At that moment, it was in the evening. Its dark you see.
After that smile at my ex, my boyfriend was behind me and he said, angrily "What the hell are you thinking?!"
Well, from that I knew exactly what he meant after a lot of fights.
His words were like a dagger. It makes me cry right after he stopped talking.
My boyfriend pushed me down and yeah, I fell to the ground and in two seconds, I got back up and ran.
I ran and he was behind, catching up on me. I directly stopped and went to sit at this mystical place.
It's like a fairytale. I sit and cried while he sat next to me and he was crying too.
He stooped crying and went nearer to me. He pull my face, and wipe my tears away.
He gently kissed me and said "I'm sorry, dear. I didn't meant to shame yourself out there. He's your ex you know how sensitive I am."
I kissed him backed and I never said a word.
I got up and went back to where me and my friends were. By the moment, my ex and his friend were gone.
I went to sit with my friends and my boyfriend came.
Sitting alone. So, I went to him and pull him up so he was standing.
I hugged him and I said "It's okay. I love you."
I hugged him again when my head is on his shoulders, I can see whatever that's behind him.
Guess what, I saw my ex. Smiling and walking past us. He winked at me and I just did nothing.
I was then woken up by someone waking me up early in the morning.
So, Harry, If you read this, this the dream which I said that I dream about my ex.
Love ya.
4:07 AM